Monday 4 December 2017

Smooth Design Blending Can Lead to Increased ROI for Any Design Effort

The capability of design thinking often means addressing the elusive capability of creativity. Models have flooded the internet to explain how creativity can be harnessed and even squeezed like blood from a stone however none has been more clearly articulated than the Conceptual Blending Framework

Detailed in "A Case Study on Design with Conceptual Blending"  we see the vocabulary, literally, underlining how exact nomenclature of specific physical attributes and functional capabilities can increase the likely hood of design specific elements can directly contribute to the adoption and success of specific design efforts. 

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Friday 3 November 2017

Breaking Rules Means Breaking Perceptions

Defining creativity is hotly debated and yet it can serve a purpose or it can waste valuable time. Time being the dependent variable for the arrival at a destination defined is the factor used to determine success of endeavors. Normally all of this comes within the context of reward not only for the team, but in a real world environment, this means increased value to shareholders. Without this, no firm can be self sustaining and if there were no sustainability issues, eg. government projects of unlimited budget, the issue remains of arriving at a destination. These are the fundamental principles of design success. 

In the context of creativity, via "A study of university design tutors' perceptions of creativity"  we see the capability of ‘challenging conventions’ and ‘freedom from hegemony’ and ‘striving for coherent solutions’ and ‘solving real world problems.’ all of which are measurable tools for effort based success targets. In combination with tools for experienced designers and frameworks for design processes, there are specific mechanisms to make sure that efforts make to arrive a specific destinations can be done so with creativity when measured against increased value to shareholders as well as non-specific environmental factors such as empathy, safety and security all of which do not directly, but indirectly support the efficacy of organizations and their growth. 


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